Just heard that Matt Damon has signed on to play Jason Bourne in a 4th film in the action-packed “Bourne” series. As many of you know, the first three movies were “The Bourne Identity,” “Bourne Supremacy,” and “the Bourne Ultimatum.”


What to name the 4th film? I think we have an opportunity to help the producers here. How do you follow up such Hyperbolic titles? On Twitter, I have already garnered a number of suggestions. Please add your in comments:

The Bourne Divinity
Bourne Again
The Bourne Yesterday
The Bourne on the Bayou
To the Manor Bourne
The Bourne Free
The Bourne to Run
The Bourne Postscipt
Bourne 4.0
The Bourne Hyperbole
Bourne in East L.A

What’s your idea?

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54 thoughts on “Help hollywood name the 4th “Jason Bourne” movie”
  1. For inspiration, I looked to the master of short, hyperbolic titles, Steven Seagal:

    “The Bourne Attack”
    “Bourne Justice”
    “Bourne Fury”
    “The Bourne Shadow”
    “Deadly Bourne”
    “The Bourne Siege”
    Followed by “The Bourne Siege 2”

  2. To be original:

    Escape from the Planet of the Bournes
    The Bourne Strikes Back
    Live Free and Bourne Hard
    Gone with the Bourne

    Yeah, I could go on but you get the idea. Of course when Matt Daemon is 60 years old you can call it Jason Bourne and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. No one will notice.

  3. Its hard to say what they’ll name it. Robert Ludlum, who originally invented the Borne Trilogy in book form, only planned on there ever being three parts, and each of the previous movies had been named after the corresponding book. In this case, though, since their is no book to name the movie after, they will either wait for Ludlum to write another part, or they will go on their own and think of a title and plot that will ultimately lead to the downfall of the series.

  4. How about:

    “Bourne to kick people’s asses with inanimate objects like books, magazines and cell phones… again.”

  5. Cameron– I have been informed that there are some newer Bourne books– the Bourne Betrayal and the Bourne Legacy, but let’s not let that distract us from our task.

    If we run out of book titles, we can do what the bond franchise did:


  6. The Newbourne
    Bournedello of Blood
    Bourne To Be Bad
    Bourne To Kill
    Natural Bourne Killers
    The Bourne Syndrom

  7. whoever thought of “the bourne redemption” i like your idea… the new books are “bourne legacy” and “bourne betrayal” and there’s a video game called “bourne conspiracy” but those would all leave too much open for a fifth one, and after all matt damon is getting older and if he gets too old he won’t be able to do any of the stunts by himself anymore, which is half the fun of the movies… out of all of those, i’d vote that “bourne legacy” would be the best title if they’re going to go in order of the books. besides, it’s the one that comes after “ultimatum” anyway.

  8. Never mind the Bourne: Show me the money.

    The Bourne Pension.

    The Bourne Retirement.

    Still Bourne.

    Bourne Free.

    Bourne Nights.


    Matt & Greengrass cash in.

  9. The Bourne Resolution

    It deals with the allusions in # 3 that Nikki had some sort of relationship with Bourne from the very beginning : “do you really not remember anything?”

    Here is the screen play:

    Nikki gets reassigned to Afganistan and gets captured by terrorists. Bourne is in the process of figuring out who she is while that’s going on. He has to go in and get her.

    Could be interesting.

  10. i like that “bourne resolution” idea, and i still like “bourne redemption.” it’s kinda hard to decide on a name being as ultimatum was…well, ULTIMATUM. ultimate… ending. if they’re going through all the trouble of making a 4th movie anyway it had better be as good or better than the others, which in my opinion are pretty hard to top… just wait it will probably be something lame like “bourne returns”

  11. or they might explore something involving jason and paz, the other assassin who talked to jason on the roof just before he jumped. since he thought about what jason said (“do you even know why you’re supposed to kill me?”) maybe he’ll start helping jason

  12. Hi,

    The best choice to go with the following book names, or the game Bourne Conspiracy

    It’s best to stick with books names then coming up stupid names as other have provided.

    where are your mind folks…. you think these director’s and producers are stupid that’s why they should pick as you to give a name for a movie.

    Sorry not to disrespect anybody but they know what they are doing so let them do it, they have done really good so far.


  13. Call it; Webb Re-Bourne, or Re-Bourne.

    Because, his name is really ‘Webb’ not ‘Bourne’, so it would just be a kinda cool to mix the two…..

    this was my freinds idea, so, go Pendikardiel!!

  14. hey pathik dude were just screwin’ around.
    how bout “attack of the bourne” or return of the bournes” or “bourne wars” wehehehe!
    “revenge of the bourne”

    how bout “bourne queero” “bourne hero” “bournecraft” “world of bournecraft” or “chronicles of bournedick” or “pitchbourne”


  15. I think the best name for the 4th movie is:

    I think Jason Bourne now knows who he really was, but is ready to become someone different not change his name back.

    I can’t wait until the movie comes out!!!

  16. A catchy name like Bourne Again or Still Bourne would destroy this body of work. Sounds funny but let’s face it, it’s stupid.

    It would have to be “The Bourne….something”. I agree it is hard to figure where he goes from Ultimatum, which wrapped up the trilogy, so they will have to be very inventive to re-create Bourne. I like the idea of The Bourne Retirement, with Bourne having another go at the quiet life with his Marie replacement, Nicky, then getting lured back into “the business” somehow.

    My vote is “The Bourne Reflection”, which starts with Bourne and Nicky taking up residence in Costa Rica, but Bourne making contact with Pam Landy because he has run out of cash and needs some work.

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