Still Fuzzy About Peach

Here is my review of the new Peach social app (the Android version):
I think that covers it, and is why I pay no mind to an app being declared the “next big thing” when it is not on both (or all, if Windows gains momentum) of the major platforms. Others decided that wasn’t enough, opting to go all the way to the just as silly “X is Dead” meme:
Alrighty then… that was fun while it lasted.
Free Speech? Not for You
This past week, Twitter punished user Milo Yiannopoulos for frequent abusive behavior on the platform by removing his Blue Checkmark, which signifies a user is “verified.” Setting aside the fact that Yiannopoulos is Yiannopolous with or without his blue stain and people will still know who he is, does the punishment of members of a platform, which also can include account suspensions or bans, constitute an assault on free speech?
No. It’s community management. You participate at the discretion of those who run the platform. You misbehave, you get kicked out. That’s not censorship. Even if you are a self-styled “journalist” writing for a partisan web site.
A Measured Take on Content Glut
I have taken a dim view on the concept of “content shock” and other identical ideas that preceded it.
This article by Randy Milanovic is not the first to take a more measured stance but still come out agreeing with my take that good content is a winner, no matter what. I hope to see more marketing thinkers take the approach (that is, shock us with more good content about it) that does not leave people afraid to make content for fear of not standing out, but continuing to make more content that stands out to the right audiences.
Newsjacking: Maybe We Should Just Ban it All
The great David Bowie died last week. Many of us are fans, and he remains very influential. But were we spared “marketing lessons” posts in the wake of his death? Of course not. Here is a link to illustrate my point but I would prefer you save yourself by not clicking through to read. I know I have groused about this lousy use of the tactic often and recently – but maybe for now we should just call a moratorium on all types of “newsjacking” until further notice: until people stop straining relevancy beyond its breaking point to load the web with clickbait.
Perhaps we can redefine “content shock” to “delivering electrical deterrents to those inclined to tasteless newsjacking.”
That said, I did find an article by the one person qualified to write on lessons from David Bowie: of course, it’s David Bowie.
Social Network Image Size Guide
Constant Contact has once again published a size guide for images for social media accounts. I find these extremely handy on the agency side for setting up and maintaining accounts for clients.
One thing I would love: this guide is for 2016; what has changed that I need to pay attention to? That would be handy, but at least the 2015 guide is still online for comparison.