This is a first to me- a Facebook service disruption on September 22. Just a reminder to have other ways of connecting at the ready if you are relying on a service- even Facebook- that you don’t own. That goes for people and businesses. What’s your backup plan?

140 Characters Conference, Boston
As I mentioned in my last post, I spoke at the 140 Characters Conference in Boston on September 14. My topic? Finding your voice, in which I lay out several Twitter voice archetypes, and underscore the need to know who you are, be consistent, and be mindful of context. I have a more detailed post at Voce Nation.
Joselin Mane of BostonTweetup posted some nice backstage videos (including many produced by 140conf’s Alan Weinkrantz) at this link.
Also, a great set of photos from Wayne Kurtzman here.
PodCamp Boston 5
It snuck up pn me a bit, but this coming weekend, PodCamp Boston 5 takes place! I still have fond memories of previous PodCamps worth sharing:
PodCamp Boston 1 (2006) (This one especially was trip for me to read again)
New Twitter- Good, but Lacking, a Little
So, New Twitter is slowly rolling out to Twitter’s users. Is this a gambit to keep people using the site so they can maximize ad revenue? Why not? I love the in-line media (photos and videos right on the page). It makes for a much more complete experience without having to click away. Why, however, does the New Twitter not parse links? That could be in the works, but I haven’t heard anything. Also, I still go back to the desktop client (I use Seesmic), to get the multiple-column view, which the “New Twitter still lacks.
Stupid Fight
My favorite new not-terribly-useful-but-fun tool is “Stupid fight, developed by Tom Scott. It compares the relative intelligence of the follower Tweets of two indicated accounts. I immediately compared my Twitter feed to that of my friend and Ford Motor Company social media lead Scott Monty, and was horrified to find that my Twitter followers are dumber than a bunch of Mustang-driving wahoos:
But wait! A day later, My stupid followers fled for the hills (probably following a flurry of angry but intellectually stimulating Tweets from the latest execrable Red Sox game), and now look. Take that, Ford Motor Company!
Don’t fret, Doug. I’m sure your followers will reclaim their usual status. :-)
Yes, the Mustang drivers are likely to come back *rimshot*