Social media top 5 at Enjoy!Mobile post sent by DougH using Utterz. Replies. mp3
Social Media Top 5: Politics online? Charity’s Better: & Flippin’ Matt Damon
Time for another Social Media Top 5, where I look at trends in social media and social networks, even if I have to make stuff up. 1. Super Duper Fantastic…
Super Tuesday- My morning at the polls
Here’s a bit from my vote today in the Super Tuesday primary in Precinct 1, Newton, MA. I thought I would give a little “slice of the process” and see…
Social Media Top 5: RIP Influencers
After a week of the sniffles and moving the blog over to hosted WordPress, the Social Media Top 5 is back, for my amusement, and perhaps yours. This week, i…
Buck Rogers book brings back memories
When I was a kid, my big nerd pleasure was getting big books of classic comic reprints out of the library: Superman, Batman, Flash Gordon- and this one, Buck Rogers…
Why so quiet on the blog?
As if you cared, dept: Well- aside from just being too sick to have energy for a Social Media Top 5, the energy I do have is devoted to moving…
My impression: social media self-portrait avatar
Gotta have the arm in there, for holding the camera Mobile post sent by DougH using Utterz. Replies.
Common Courtesies: Online needs to catch up with Real World
This week I was thinking about the “social” part of social media. Do we need to rein in behavior standards? I’m not talking about blog comment trolls and other social…