When I travel for work, I know it’s about the work first. But if you do your work then leave, are you letting the world pass you by?
By making some "off the clock" time in any city you visit, I could mean sightseeing, as suggested by my photo from London. Ironically, my trip to London did not include much sightseeing. I didn’t realize until the last day that my hotel was across the street from the British Museum. Ok, that’s thick.
The other way to make something of your time is meeting up with people you know. With social networks, that is often a semi-professional event as well. In London, I met up with the Tuttle Group’s Social Media Cafe on the invitation of Neville Hobson. Would this have happened without online social networks? No.
While we figure out how social media helps businesses, let’s not forget we already know how they help us personally.
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