Buzz, Bizz-Buzz (Buzzi?)…

So, there’s a lot of talk about Google Buzz online– are they going after Twitter? Facebook? (Personally, I think maybe they can finish off Jaiku if they want to try). Why should I even bother writing about it? I, like many longtime social media users, have been baffled by the stream of Google Buzz buzziness. But here’s the thing– I know the people in the stream– so far– the only problem is the volume of sameness– a lot of friends with similar interests are talking about the same things.

Google may not need to knock off Twitter for Buzz to succeed. What I think will make it work for me is looking at Google’s services  holistically. How does it integrate with GMail, Google Reader, shared items and other services? Right now it’s brutal and confusing, but it is early. Considering how most of us greeted Twitter with hostility before becoming rabid fans, I’m going to wait and watch.

Another thing- people told me to turn off Buzz– no way! It’s easy to ignore for the most part, the network builds itself (since I already use GMail and have a Google account that goes with it). I really don’t have to do anything if I don’t want to.

Forrester Blogging Policy  and Intellectual Property

Forrester’s policy explained.

A great take from Shel Holtz, who disagrees with the policy.

While I’m at it, former Forrester analyst Peter Kim.

As someone who has blogged personally for some time on issues related to work, while simultaneously having an official work blog to contribute to, I was intrigued by Forrester Research’s new policy: no more blogs by analysts on work topics outside of the Forrester domain. Forrester has a right to keep a rein on its IP, and conceivably it is less confusing for Forrester followers and clients if the topical posts are all in one place. It also, I assume, could hedge against the personal brand-building that could, I suppose, detract from the Forrester brand (I don’t see it that way).

Like Shel, I think reining in the off-domain posts shuts out a potential new audience from being exposed to the big Forrester brains. I’m not sure this policy is a reaction to the departures of high profile analysts with their own independent blogs (like Jeremiah Owyang), but I don’t necessarily think having an independent blog is a reason people like him move on. Certainly not the sole reason.

Local Blogs and Anonymous Comments

Dan Kennedy, whose “Media Nation” blog is not purely local, however spotlights an issue that should be watched closely by hyperlocal bloggers and news outlets. He finally decided to put an end to the plague of anonymous commenters. Many of the “anons” could reasonably be called trolls. My question: for pure-play local sites, why tolerate anonymity at all? Aren’t we participating in communities of which we are physically parts? Bravo to Dan, though I understand some of the “trolls’ (not his word as far as I know) have simply continued to thrash in comments under their real names. Don’t hide your light under a bushel, I guess.

How We use (Wicked Smaht) Mobile Phones

In short- we check social networking sites a lot, spend more time on news and games, according to this story in Mashable quoting mobile analytics company Flurry.

Is this how I use my phone? Definitely not. Social networking and productivity are up top, news is a lot farther down, entertainment is a small part of my use (could increase) and I  don;t play games at all. But it will be interesting to see how these numbers change over time. With my Droid (this survey was conducted among Droid and iPhone users), my ability to stay connected through all my channels is as complete as ever, with the full computer used for more intensive applications (otherwise, I barely need it at all- but I’m not going to go so far as to say the phone is our computer- yet).

The Consequences of Unsubscribing (Funny)

Courtesy of Gregg Pollack via Twitter, this is a funny example of a creative unsubscribe Web page, designed to entertain the email subscriber and perhaps make them think twice about tuning out:

4 thoughts on “Social Media Top 5: Buzz Buzzi, Forrester Blogicide, Trolls Don’t Need Anonymity”
  1. Great post. I see Forrester’s point about off domain posts but it feels a bit vindictive and I wonder if this will become an issue for attracting and retaining the top tier talent?

    It just reminds me too much of the professional wrestling. I could never get comfortable with Hulk Hogan having to slum around as Holloywood Hogan late in his career.

    Either way Forrester is deluding themselves if they think they can keep people from personal brand building.

  2. Thanks Frank– I’m not sure if the policy was vindictive or something that had been planned. Current analysts seem to be on board, so maybe retention is not a problem- but attracting talent- particularly those who cover social media- might become an issue. It will be interesting to see.

    Hey, I subscribe to Forrester blogs- I’m not going to miss anything.

  3. I read this on a mobile browser. The future is clearly with mobile & wireless, and advancements will continue to progress at an exponential rate. As a species we think in linear terms and can’t grasp what exponential advancement means until after it happens. A rollup ultralight wireless keyboard and a wireless device could be the only things people use in 5 years for everything. Pocket technology.

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