A bunch of social media events and topics have caught my eye in the past week. Not least of which, I have been busy attending Social Media Breakfast 10 in Cambridge MA, and the annual Society of New Communications Research symposium in Boston.

I posted briefly on the breakfast
the other day. But for more, the full video of the event:

As of this writing, the SNCR symposium is still too fresh to digest fully, but topics like social media adoption by the Inc. 500 (why not watch more nimble small businesses for lessons on what the rest of the slower enterprise world could do?) and an overview social media in the election (co-presented by Albert Maruggi), among others. While a full day of presentations is mind-numbing, the ability of this organization to put numbers behind ideas is valuable. Next step: what you all– what are we– doing with this data?

Silly Social Media Tools: A lot of Web sites and tools allowing you to play with your blog or Twitter, “analyzing” the sites, ranking people, etc., exist for our amusement. Lately, a couple have ticked people off:

SocialMinder: Remember Quechup? That social network spammed your mailing list with invites without your permission. Almost as bad, SocialMinder requires you to invite at least 15 people before allowing you to try the full alpha. How about letting me try the alpha, then when you wow me tell me I should invite friends? How about trusting me to be an evangelist? Don’t turn people like B.L. Ochman against you.

Twitterank: Give this site (right, not linking- Google it) your Twitter username and password, get a random number for your “Twitter Rank.” Ok, I admit I did that for amusement, and quickly changed my password. Then, click a button to Tweet the result and show the world you fell for it.

GenderAnalyzer: Another silly tool, this one harmless, unless you are sensitive about your masculinity (what’s wrong with being 54% man?). There are some gender confusion issues, apparently:

Scott Monty in Genderanalyzer.com

Bonus: The Onion nails the problem with YouTube:

YouTube Contest Challenges Users To Make A ‘Good’ Video

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