I’m not going to lie. “Meme-tag” – when bloggers write about a particular topic, then “tag” several others to do the same – is fun, at least until it comes time to actually hold up your end of the game. Aaron Strout of Mzinga recently tagged me for the “Social Media Best Practices” meme, and actually sitting down and producing this post is in concert with my best practices suggestion.

First, the guidelines for this meme, which Mitch Joel (of the fabulously underproduced “Six Pixels of Separation” podcast) created:

It’s really simple to take part:

  1. Write a Blog post on your Social Media Marketing Best Practice. I’ll challenge you to choose just one (granted, you’re free to do whatever you want).
  2. Include links to other people who have written similar posts for this Social Media Marketing Best Practices writing project that have caught your attention, or include their insights in your own post (just make sure to give them proper attribution).
  3. Link back to this Six Pixels of Separation – The Twist Image Blog. This will help me organize all of the content, it will help spread the word, and if you link back to this Blog and email me, I’ll make sure to include – at least – two links back to you. (note: you don’t have to do this, but I am trying to keep this as organized as possible).
  4. If you use Technorati Tags (or anything like it), please tag your post “social media marketing best practices project”.
  5. Feel free to tag other people in your post to get their opinion and help spread the project.

Easy enough? So here is my “best practice:”

Just Do It.

How many times have you not written a post, started a blog or podcast, commented on a blog or forum, or otherwise failed to participate because you felt your material was not up to snuff. As I have said elsewhere, it is not up to you decide if your content sucks. If you freeze and over-analyze before starting any social media content or outreach, your moment will pass and you will do nothing. Then, you lose.

I wrestled with this very idea before going ahead and starting this blog, and wrestle with it on a daily basis. Inevitably, some of my posts are clunkers, but others resonate, and they are not necessarily the ones I thought were my best. Why just do it?

  • As I said, if you don’t write/record/etc., then you have nothing. Get some material out there, let the world know you are alive, and let the community of commenters help shape where your material leads you- and them.
  • Social media sometimes looks like a mighty cold pool, but the water’s fine. Just dive in. Stuck for an idea? Publish the bones and turn it into a series as your idea fleshes out over time. Afraid of getting flamed for being stupid? You’re no dumber than the rest of us. Afraid of getting flamed for being controversial? Nothing wrong with a little attention, and again, the rest of us are no smarter than you. Chris Brogan is not smarter than you. He just posts a lot and finds a way to get that material out there consistently.
  • Be constant – smaller posts are ok, and are much better than fading and leaving the impression you have quit. Nobody needs to post every day, but set an expectation for frequency and keep to it.
  • Find ways to make posting easier. Start a series. My inconsistently-focused “Social Media Top 5” was started as a guarantee that I would post every week. Use technology. My “Uttercasts” are posted via mobile, and similarly ensure that I post a few days a week at least. Not all are brilliant, but I come by each thought honestly.

This is not to say you should eschew quality or professionalism– there are standards– but your best will rise to the top.

Now go out there and do it!

And I shall tag (forgive me if you have been tagged already):

Sandy Kalik

Cathryn Hrudicka
Aaron Brazell
Kyle Flaherty
Laura “Pistachio” Fitton

Technorati Tags: ,

7 thoughts on “Social Media Best Practices: Just Do It (Chris Brogan is Not Smarter than You)”
  1. Doug – great post as always. Thanks for playing. As you mentioned, blogger tag memes are a lot more fun when you’re not the one being tagged!

    Aaron | @astrout

  2. Nice post Doug. I think “just doing it” is the biggest problem facing us here at the office as we launch our new blog. I’m going to pass along these tips in the hopes that they take some of the stress out of blogging.

    Of course, now I also have to get my co-workers to actually read and comment on other blogs as well. But, baby steps!

  3. Wow Doug! This one hit home. Thanks for the reality slap. I have more drafts than actual posts because I don’t feel they are worthy, and eventually become out-dated and never get published. Great pointers and advice – Thanks.

    Ed Stafford | pixel8r

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