
Well, PodCamp Boston is over for another year. What did I learn? I found people were asking me more questions than in the past. Is that because I’ve been around? Perhaps, but what I can say is that it is nice for an SEO professional to be able to talk content and messages with a PR professional, or for people with a common past to compare notes as well as talk to each other about what they are doing now.

And in the third year of PodCamp, I am stilll meeting people I have known online for awhile. I finally got to see Karen Cardoza, aka "@mrsb" for the first time, among many others! That’s her in the photo of course.

Share your Pod camp thoughts here, or look for other things tagged "pcb3" to catch up on what went on.

Kudos to Mr. Penn, Mr, Brogan and the rest the crew for making this happen!

Whew, I’m tired, or as @joecascio would say, "This is where I run out of Schlitz."

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One thought on “utterzcast: PodCamp Boston day 2”
  1. Doug, the weekend was full of good conversations. There is so much to write about now it will take time to pull it all together. Thanks for your help in making htis happen. PCB3 will go down as a great event!

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