This house is split between Clinton and Obama this election year, as you can see by the signs.

I have thought from early on that there are not a lot of differences between the two, and that’s why the race is so tight. This house is a great example of that non-split among Democrats.

I guess it’ll come down to campaigning skills.

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One thought on “Hillary & Obama: any real difference?”
  1. Some key differences that I see despite their similar policy positions:

    1) Hillary voted for the war (a liability since most Americans-around 60%- think Iraq was a mistake), Obama did not. Obama is therefore in a better position to campaign against war-cheerleader McCain.
    2) Hillary is an easier target for the Rupublican slime machine due to carrying all the baggage of the Clinton years. Many will vote just to defeat her.
    3) Hillary is known by most everyone- most everyone has an opinion about her, whereas Obama is still fresh – people are still forming their opinions.
    4) Obama has the momentum and mojo- 11 straight primary wins.. is the race really tight?

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